Table of Contents

The Author




Foreword....................................................................................... 15

Introduction................................................................................... 21

History of Mankind and the Passion......................................... 21

Churches have Lost Their Biblical Focus................................. 24

The Lost Lack the Necessary Biblical Focus............................. 25

Reconciliation�How to Gain Biblical Focus............................ 27

1. The Light of the Glorious Gospel............................................. 35

Spiritual Discernment............................................................... 36

Send the Light........................................................................... 38

2. Biblical vs. Non-biblical Views of Evangelism.......................... 43

The Changing Face of Evangelism........................................... 45

[Part 1] True Conversions vs. False Professions...................... 46

[Part 2] Sinners do not Determine Terms of Salvation ............ 47

[Part 3] Counting the Cost....................................................... 48

[Part 4] Minimizing the Importance of the Blood..................... 50

Emphasizing the Importance of the Blood................................ 52

3. Works vs. Grace....................................................................... 63

[Part 5] Christianity vs. Religion.............................................. 63

Faith and the Law�s Righteous Demands.................................. 69

When Rich Men Trust in their Riches........................................ 70

[Part 6] Salvation Once for All................................................. 73

4. Using the Law Lawfully............................................................ 79

[Part 7] Lawful use of the Law vs. Legalism............................. 79

I. The Law of God is an Asset Against Sin .......................... 82

II. The Law of God Gives an Awareness of Sin .................. 84

III. The Law of God�Acknowledgement of Sin .................. 91

IV. The Law of God Requires Adjudication of Sin .............. 93

5. WDJC vs. WWJD................................................................... 103

[Part 8] Why Did Jesus Come? vs. What Would Jesus Do?

Christ Came to Bear Witness unto the Truth .......................... 104

Christ Came to Preach .......................................................... 105

Christ Came to Save the Lost ................................................. 106

Christ Came to be the Final Sacrifice .................................... 108

Christ Came to be a Curse ..................................................... 111

Christ Came to be the Mediator ............................................. 111

Christ Came to Destroy the Devil .......................................... 112

Christ Came to be Made Sin for Us ....................................... 113

Christ Came to Deliver from the Law ..................................... 113

Christ Came to be our Offering ............................................. 114

Christ Came to Make Eternal Life Possible ............................ 115

Christ Came to Change Us..................................................... 116

6. Fundamental Preaching vs Compromise............................... 119

[Part 9] Fundamental vs. Compromised Preaching............... 119

Loss of Purpose ..................................................................... 120

Loss of Passion ...................................................................... 121

Loss of Purity ......................................................................... 122

Loss of Permanence .............................................................. 123

Loss of Power ........................................................................ 123

Purpose of the Church ........................................................... 125

Prosperity Proves Success? ................................................... 126

7. Nothing But the Blood: The Gospel Defined........................... 133

Tainted Blood Necessitates the Virgin Birth ........................... 134

Christ�s Death Emphasizes the Blood................................... 136

Biblical Pictures and Types.................................................. 137

Godly Song Writers Emphasized the Blood ............................ 140

Yellow Fever Vaccine ............................................................ 142

8. How Your Sins Can Be Forgiven............................................ 145

The Meaning of Propitiation .................................................. 145

No Way to Go But Down ........................................................ 147

The Standard No One Can Reach .......................................... 150

Who Demands Justice? .......................................................... 152

Standing Before God the Son ................................................ 154

Four Aspects of Propitiation .................................................. 155

����� 1. Universally Offered ..................................................... 156

����� 2. Offered Because of Love.............................................. 156

����� 3. Offered by the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ ................... 158

����� 4. Satisfies the Wrath of God Against Sin ......................... 158

9. The Faith of Jesus Christ........................................................ 167

����� Saving Faith .......................................................................... 169

Grammatical Analysis of Ephesians 2:8 ................................ 172

From Faith to Faith ............................................................... 173

Living Faith ........................................................................... 177

10. Biblical Repentance............................................................... 191

����� What is repentance?............................................................... 192

Four Aspects of Repentance in Genesis Chapter 6................. 193

���� 1. Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin .......................................... 194

��� 2. Change of Mind�Not an Act ......................................... 196

��� 3. Accompanied by Sorrow for Sin .................................... 198

��� 4. Turning to God .............................................................. 200

Repentance Precedes Belief ................................................... 201

Everyone, Everywhere to Repent ........................................... 202

God Wills for all to Come to Repentance ............................... 204

Failure to Repent Results in Eternal Damnation .................... 206

The Results of Repentance ..................................................... 208

11. What Must I Do Now?.......................................................... 215

����� The Spiritual Disability List ................................................... 216

Disability Checks Are Not Earned ......................................... 217

1. Acknowledge that you are a sinner .............................. 218

2. Acknowledge the penalty for being a sinner ................ 219

3. Acknowledge that Christ paid your debt ...................... 220

4. Repent of trusting in anything else to save you............ 221

5. Accept God�s Gift of Salvation ..................................... 222

6. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to save you ................... 224

12. A Child of the King............................................................... 235

Adopted by God ..................................................................... 235

God�s Children Confess Christ .............................................. 237

Choose to be His Child .......................................................... 239

God�s Children Have Hope ................................................... 242

13. Thirteen Steps to Losing Your Salvation.............................. 253

Step 1: Declare the Grace of God Insufficient........................ 254

Step 2: Find the Faith of Jesus Christ Faulty ......................... 255

Step 3: Get Christ to Take Back His Righteousness ............... 256

Step 4: Have the Pardon Removed from your Sin .................. 258

Step 5: Convince the Father to Fail in His Commitment......... 259

Step 6: Break the Father�s Seal of the Holy Spirit ................. 260

Step 7: Change the Meaning of �Everlasting� ...................... 262

Step 8: Reverse Your Birth into the Family of God ................ 263

Step 9: Nullify Your Adoption by the Father .......................... 264

Step 10: Separate Yourself from the Love of Christ ............... 265

Step 11: Remove Yourself from the Premises of Heaven ........ 266

Step 12: Take the Spirit with you to Hell ................................ 268

Step 13: Take the Son with You to Hell .................................. 269

Conclusion ............................................................................ 269

Free Will to Turn Back Away From God? ............................ 273

14. Crucified With Christ............................................................ 281

15. What Happened to Me? ....................................................... 299

16. Everyone Judged According to Works................................ 313

The Judgment Seat of Christ .................................................. 313

The Great White Throne Judgment ........................................ 315

More on the Judgment of Christians....................................... 317

Naked or Fully Clothed ......................................................... 319

The Marriage Supper ............................................................ 320

The Light of the World ........................................................... 321

The Glory of God ................................................................... 324

Source of Heaven�s Light..................................................... 324

How Are the Dead Raised? .................................................... 326

Genesis Story in Chinese ....................................................... 330

17. Question & Answer............................................................... 337

Q1�What purpose does baptism serve? ................................ 337

Q2�Who should get baptized?............................................. 338

Q3�Should we baptize our children?.................................. 339

Q4�Is baptism a part of the gospel?.................................... 339

Q5�Does the baptismal waters wash away sins?................. 340

Q6�Is baptism to be performed by immersion? .................... 342

Q7�How is baptism considered a portrait of the gospel? ..... 343

Q8�Why did Ananias tell Paul to wash away his sins? ........ 346

Q9�What does baptism have to do with being born again?.. 347

Q10�Is there really more than one type of baptism? ............ 349

Q11�What are the baptisms of John and Peter? .................. 349

Q12�Why should I be baptized?.......................................... 351

18. Testimony of God�s Amazing Grace.................................... 353




Scripture Index

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