What Must I Do Now?
Escaping Sin's Penalty, Power and Presence

Salvation is the most important issue in this life and certainly, in the life to come. If you are not saved, all other pursuits and concerns cannot compare to the gravity of this issue. Salvation delivers a person from the penalty, power and presence of sin.

  • The penalty of sin—Eternal punishment in the lake of fire warranted because of sin.
  • The power of sin—The Holy Spirit within the believer enables the Christian to overcome sinful temptations.
  • The presence of sin—Deliverance from sin with an eternity with Christ.

Only the gospel can free a man, woman or child from these three elements of sin. This gospel enables the sinner to see himself as God sees him, condemned and under the wrath of God. Until an individual sees himself in this fashion, he has no reason to turn to God for forgiveness. Unless a person believes on the Lord Jesus Christ (Who is God) to save him, he has no hope in this life or in the life to come (that is, in eternity). But what constitutes the essence of salvation? There are really only two basic types of teachings concerning salvation: the first is man-centered and the other is God-centered.

  • Man-centered "salvation"—earned through works
  • God-centered salvation—granted solely on the unearned, undeserved, unmerited favor of God.
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